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Sunday 19 November 2017

Wordpress Development Company Jaipur, India – Hire Wordpress Developer

We have 5+ years of experience in developing WordPress development with easy to use templates and customization. We maintain your wordpress website including its content and data.

Our developers have knowledge of wordpress themes, templates which improve your wordpress website design and development functionality.

WordPress Site is Down

When you look your WordPress website and got screen with your account has been suspended. This is coming due to hosting due payment.

Another reason is that your website has been infected with malware. If shared hosting website contains infections than possibilities go high that the other websites also infected on the same server.

My WordPress website just got infected or hacked

Most website hosting identifies the infections and informs you about them because they don’t provide any clean up services so, you need to take action or clean up yourself.

There are some an effort to save WP website, I would share some things you should do immediately when you find a WordPress Infection or hack.

How to creating a Sub-Level Admin Page in wordpress

In the WordPress have a few functions to add sub-level pages in backend. Here we will let you some WordPress hooks to built-in top level pages functions:

• To add a menu item under posts use add_posts_page
• To add a menu item under pages use add_pages_page
• To add a menu item under media use add_media_page

Thursday 16 November 2017

Adding A Widget Area To Your WordPress Theme

Find the location where you want to place the menu
 if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('my_menu') ) : ?><?php endif;?>

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tutorials you can visit our articles or visit questions page

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design & development tutorials.

Enable Maintenance mode Command in Magento2

magento maintenance:{enable|disable}

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tutorials you can visit our articles or visit questions page

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design & development tutorials.

upload file in php

You can use the below function:

“upload/” . $_FILES[“file”][“name”]);

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tutorials you can visit our articles or visit questions page

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design & development tutorials.

Insert user in wordpress

you can use the below users function of wordpress:

$user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata ) ;

    'ID' => $user_id, // this is the ID of the user you want to update.
    'first_name' => $fname,
    'last_name' => $lname,

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tutorials you can visit our articles or visit questions page .

You can join us on twitter or subscribe us on YouTube for more web
design & development tutorials.


delete_user_meta WordPress

you can use the below hook to delete user meta.

delete_user_meta( wp_get_current_user()->ID, $meta_key );

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tutorials you can visit our articles or visit questions page.

You can join us on twitter or subscribe us on YouTube for more web
design & development tutorials.


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